Optimize your shift planning with systems that speaks with each other

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It is not unusual for fitness centers to operate with many different systems at the same time.

Each system is of course good for what it is specially developed for (e.g., salary), but the systems often have a hard time playing together – if they even can.

Completely impractical, this mean that the team overview and salary system are not included when the shift schedule is changed. In the long run, it can end up with a lot of small errors in the administration, which must be corrected manually if the systems do not speak the same language. It has an impact on the number of administrative tasks and work environment.

Everyday life must work for employees and leaders

The problem is well known: When many employees work at different times, the shift schedule must go up in a higher unit. In order to run your center optimally, happy employees are essential. They rarely are if there are errors in their paychecks. Your employees need things to work out and workhours they can count on – without having to compromise with flexibility and freedom. If the shift schedule had to be changed, it must be done intuitively and easy without any mistakes arise.

When these requirements can be met intuitively and efficiently without the administration losing track and being put down by extra tasks or manual entry, time can instead go to the things that make a difference for your members. It is ultimately they whom create your business.

Gather your operation and get more out of your everyday life

When you collect the operations in one system it automatically gets registered in team planning and the pay system, if two employees’ internal switches a shift or when covered for illness. At the same time, the automation ensures that the club’s members are notified directly if another instructor joins a team, or a team is canceled.

That way, you can minimize the amount of confused or unsatisfied members, insecurity among your employees, and administration errors. It provides more time for member care and business promotion operations. It provides more time for member care and business promotion operations.

Briefly: gathering operations in one system simplifies your everyday life, increases efficiency and create happy employees.

If you use FlexyMember, you have access to the FlexyPlan. With this you can save valuable time on personnel management, scheduling shifts, registration of meetings and payroll.

Skal vi tage en snak?

Hos Flexybox kan du få kvalificeret hjælp til at sammensætte den helt rigtige løsning, som passer til dine behov. Vores medarbejdere anvender deres brancheerfaring til at skræddersy et system, som optimerer og skaber succes i din forretning.

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